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Step 1: Ancient Egyptians use to draw and use paper called Papyrus. This ancient paper medium had interesting textures and came in various shades of brown. To learn more about Papyrus, please follow the link below:

Step 2: Think about and brainstorm with your classmates the type of paper materials and artistic mediums you have available in the classroom. How can you create a journal that has a similar texture, feel, and colors as the papyrus?Start gathering your materials, such as different kinds of paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, and anything else you may find useful.

Step 3: Assemble the journal! You can assemble this in many different ways. You are limited to two pieces of paper, which you can fold in half to make four pages. You can hole punch the side/edge of the paper and wrap string in it to keep it together, or you can staple your journal together. Which way will best convey your job and story? 

Step 4: After you have all your supplies and your journal created, head over to the Investigation Page (Click Here) before you start drawing to find out more information.  

How To Make Your Journal

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