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Welcome to the Investigation Page of the Ancient Egyptian Web Quest. On this page you will start exploring and researching different websites to learn more your role in Ancient Egyptian society. As your scroll through different websites, make sure to be taking notes about your new career. You will need all of this to create a successful story book/journal, and for the next exciting activity. Ready, set, go!!!

Step 1 - Investigate Resources on the Internet

Below are a list of websites to explore and share with your classmates. Work on this research stage together and partner up with someone with the same career as you.


Website #1 - "The Egyptians Society"

Website #2 - "Ancient Egypt for Kids"


Website #3 - "The British Museum - Ancient Egypt" 


Website #4 - "Experience Ancient Egypt"


Step Two - Gather Notes, Start Getting Creative



If you were not satisfied with the websites listed above, try doing some research on your own. Try search engines such as Google and type in "Ancient Egyptian Society" or "Ancient Egyptian Culture" and see what you can find. Maybe explore some images for some inpsiration!

After gathering all your notes, sketches, and discussing with your partners or peers, start planning out your story book. SInce you already started creating your story book from the Exploration Page, start thinking about how you want this story book to start and end. How are you going to tell your story about your new career and life? Remember, if you had a job where you did not know how to read or write, you must only use images to communicate your message!

Step 3 - Draw, Sketch, Color, Create!


Gather various materials that you can use to depict your images and stories. What kind of color schemes will you use? Will you use markers or colored pencils? What artistic medium will best help you depict your career and story? Carefully think this out as you select your materials.

If you need more resources and ideas (maybe you want to see other student's work), please check out the website listed below. This website has examples of other student's storybooks, and there is even a video attached.

Example Storybooks (Click below, it will open in a new window):

Interactive Storybooks - Technology Connections



Before completing your Ancient Egyptian storybook, or while you are working on it, make sure to check out these interactive Web Quest's that includes games that make you feel like you are traveling through Ancient Egypt. Imagine if your storybook came alive in a digital form, and how technology can change a story book.

Ancient Egypt: "The Magic Lesson"


Ancient Egypt Exploring Quest:


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